Accessibility statement

This accessibility statement concerns the - Store service. The law for providing digital services applies to this service. It requires that public web services must be accessible. Accessibility of the service has been reviewed by an external expert organization.

Conformity of the digital service

The service fulfills the accessibility requirements.

Not included in the legislation

Map is not included in the legislation.

Updating of the accessibility statement

The accessibility of the website will be ensured through continuous monitoring as technology or the contents change. This statement will be updated when the contents of the website change or further accessibility reviews are performed.

If you notice accessibility deficiencies in our feedback service, please let us know.

You can provide accessibility feedback through the online form, by email [email protected] or by calling the customer service number of Espoo’s E-services, tel. 09 816 34300.

Supervisory authority

If you notice any accessibility problems on the website, please send feedback to the City of Espoo first. It may take 14 days before you receive a response. If you are not satisfied with the response or do not receive any response within two weeks, you may send feedback to the Regional State Administrative Agency of Southern Finland. The agency’s website contains detailed information on how to submit a complaint and how complaints are processed.

Contact information for the supervisory authority

Regional State Administrative Agency of Southern Finland
Accessibility Monitoring Unit (in Finnish)
Tel. 0295 016 000 (switchboard)

The City of Espoo is continuously improving accessibility

Our digital services undergo accessibility assessments, and we are committed to improving the accessibility of our digital services.

When developing new online services, we will pay attention to accessibility from the beginning. We will develop our knowledge of accessibility and assess the accessibility of the city’s current online services.

The City of Espoo’s Service Points provide assistance for the use of online services. The service advisers at the Service Points help users to whom the digital services are not accessible.

The accessibility statement was drawn up on 2 May 2024.