Terms of use

Prepared 2 May 2024

There may be shortcomings in the coverage and quality of the data provided through the service. The system may also experience outages and inaccuracies due to technical issues.

The City of Espoo is not liable for any damage caused to the user of the data due to any inaccuracy, incompleteness or misunderstanding of the data. The City of Espoo is also not liable for any damage that may be caused to the user of the data due to an unforeseen disruption in the service or the data connection between the service provider and the user or between the City of Espoo and the service provider. ‘Service provider’ refers to a service provider outside the city organisation.

The city delivers the ordered data in the form specified in the service. The city is not responsible for the usability of the data in the customer’s information systems.

The up-to-dateness of the material for sale corresponds to the real-time situation of the base map. The accuracy of the data and whether they are currently being worked on can be checked here. Data on areas being worked on must be ordered from the Customer Service of the?City Surveying Unit at karttatilaus(at)espoo.fi. In cases where you need absolutely reliable data, please check the accuracy of the data with the City of Espoo.

The customer is not entitled to publish the spatial data or to sell or provide them or the prints produced from them to a third party without a separate permission. The city owns the copyright to the data provided to the customer. Modification by the user of the data does not remove the city’s copyright. When preparing publications on the basis of the data, a publication permit must be applied for from the city.

The data content of the map data corresponds to the data content of the spatial data service at the time of delivery. In long-term use, it is advisable to occasionally check that the data are up-to-date if the customer’s purpose of use so requires.

The submitted ground survey and soil map data are not sufficient for the planning of construction projects. For example, the design of the foundations of construction projects requires building-specific and sufficiently dense ground surveys.

The data may only be used for needs related to your own project. The possible further use of the drawings may also involve copyright or proprietary rights issues, which must be clarified with interested parties as needed. Extracting data in such a way as to create a new register is forbidden.

If the username of a user registered in the service has not been used for two (2) years, both the username and profile data will be destroyed. The data of non-registered persons will also be deleted after two (2) years.

These terms of use are valid until further notice. The service administrator has the right to change the terms of use.

In matters related to the service, you can contact our Customer Service through the Espoo Feedback Service.